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Cyber Security for Critical Infrastructure Communications

In today's world, power grids, water systems, public transportation, and oil rigs rely on their communications network for a flawless operation.
But, as critical infrastructure networks become smarter, automated and more connected, they are also more susceptible than ever to cyber threats. They are subjected to hundreds, sometimes thousands of cyber-attacks per day.
With so much on the line, even the smallest breach in security – could spell disaster.
Introducing RAD’s Service-Assured-Networking Solutions (SAN) – your key to ensuring your operational network remains reliable and protected at all times.
RAD's secure-by-design solution portfolio includes the Megaplex multiservice access platform, the SecFlow ruggedized security gateway, and the RADview management and orchestration system.
RAD’s SAN solutions combine the best of both worlds: networking and cyber security – in all our multiservice platforms.
Their networking capabilities are based on Carrier Ethernet - proven to be the most secure packet technology.
For power utilities, RAD's SAN solutions safeguard all smart grid communications, including distribution and substation automation networks, as well as smart meter backhaul.
At the substation, they are strategically located to manage and defend all electronic access and cyber assets – from both external and internal attacks, while handling all substation communications.
Built-in cyber security protection in the communication platform frees you from the need to deploy and configure separate security systems.
Once a new connection is provisioned, it is already secure.
It's that simple and safe!
RAD’s SAN solutions feature rock solid, three-tier protection, in a single electronic access-point, to boost your NERC CIP compliance levels.
First, it verifies communication integrity from anywhere outside the ESP, using advanced encryption technology.
Second, it uses a powerful SCADA-aware firewall to filter incoming and outgoing commands and detect malicious code-related anomalies.
And finally, it provides device-connection-control, to protect from insider attacks by enforcing access privilege to all electronic ports inside the ESPs.
But that's not all. When the need arises, you will be able to scale up your solution in the future with more protection layers, using a field pluggable X86 server.
In an increasingly hostile cyber environment, you need protection that's secure by design.
You need RAD.