RAD is a global leader for telecom access solutions. As an industry pioneer for over 40 years, RAD reliably supplies worldwide communications service providers and critical infrastructure operators with best-of-breed Ethernet access devices, industrial IoT gateways, 5G xHaul, and Operational WAN solutions. Offering always-on connectivity from anywhere, along with data-driven, AI-powered actionable insights, RAD is distinguished for its supply-chain stability, which outsteps the market in delivery times. Founded in 1981, RAD serves as the anchor of the $1.6 billion RAD Group, an umbrella of independent companies that develop diverse networking and data communications solutions.

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RAD Blog

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About the Blog

Welcome to the official blog of RAD, a global telecom access solutions and products vendor. We’ll be blogging on a wide range of hot topics affecting service providers and critical infrastructure network operators. Our resident experts will be discussing carrier ethernet, 5G, industrial IoT, networking traffic insights, remote asset monitoring with edge computing, smart cities, and more.


  • Oct 02, 2018
    vCPE is More Challenging than It Seems – Here’s How Vendors Can Add Value
  • Sep 17, 2018
    How to Tackle Industrial IoT’s Top 3 Challenges

    The industrial internet of things (IIoT) revolution goes hand-in-hand with digital transformation and we’re about to see their impact everywhere, most importantly in the industrial and critical infrastructure sectors.

  • Sep 03, 2018

    In the previous installment we discussed how SDN replaced distributed routing by centralized path computation. But SDN introduced an additional novel abstraction – the whitebox switch.

  • Aug 27, 2018

    As mentioned last time, SDN theorists declare that SDN is the networking technology that separates the forwarding plane from the control plane. Of course the logical separation of networking into planes has been conventional for three decades, and time-honored tradition distinguishes three planes – those of forwarding, control, and management.

  • Aug 20, 2018

    The concept of logical separation of a network’s operation into planes first surfaced during discussions in the ITU on ISDN in the 1980s. After initial proposals favored two planes, it was concluded that three planes were necessary, namely the forwarding plane, the control plane, and the management plane.

  • Aug 13, 2018

    In the last year or so, SD-WAN has caught the attention of service providers, with some of them going as far as investing in related startups. At the same time, service providers began to realize that while the technology provides easy-to-deploy solutions that include VNFs, white boxes and a management suite, these solutions are in effect walled gardens. 

  • Aug 06, 2018
    The Truth about 5G

    5G is coming fast, promising to change – yet again – the way we connect to the world and consume data. It will enable ubiquitous wireless broadband, also known as enhanced mobile broadband (eMBB), (e.g., wireless-to-the-premises and broadband on high-speed trains, at events and in crowds) and other, entirely new market segments.

  • Jul 30, 2018
    Software Appliances in Critical Infrastructure OT-WANs

    Network operators of power, water and gas utilities, transportation, safe cities and other critical infrastructure (CI) have their work cut out for them. Their operational technology (OT) networks are currently migrating from TDM to packet-based WANs – Carrier Ethernet, IP/MPLS and MPLS-TP – and they must make sure that they are able to maintain service and network reliability. 

  • Jul 23, 2018
    What happened to vCPE’s Original Promise?

    When NFV and SDN were first introduced, they held the promise of a true revolution – nimble networks, automated service rollouts and general purpose, low-cost white boxes replacing dedicated appliances – straight out of IT operations.

  • Jul 16, 2018
    Blockchain in networking technology

    BlockChain is the technology behind cryptocurrencies such as BitCoin and Ethereum, and is becoming a popular mechanism for secure storage of arbitrary information.

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